Tony Bowman - Consultant

Tony Bowman - Consultant

Consultant: TMC (Marine Consultants) Ltd

Tony’s professional qualifications and wide experience of carrying out marine casualty investigations is summarised below:

  • BSc (Hons) Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding
  • Fellow Royal Institution Naval Architects (FRINA)
  • Lloyd’s Marine Salvage Arbitration Branch Special Casualty Representative (SCR) from 1999 to 2016
  • Chartered Engineer (CEng)

1979 – 2018 Founder and CEO of TMC Marine.

Provided expert evidence to Maritime Courts and arbitration proceedings in the following countries:

UK, USA, Singapore, Sweden, Spain, Holland, China, Canada, Portugal and South Africa

A summary of significant cases and marine investigations :-

Appointed by P&I insurers to investigate the cause of the loss of the very large ore carrier VLOC STELLAR DAISY.

Appointed by P&I/owners to investigate the structural failure and loss of the large container vessel MOL COMFORT.

Appointed by P&I insurers of the oil tanker PRESTIGE to give expert evidence on the cause of the structural failure and loss of the vessel and gave expert evidence to the Spanish court hearing.

Appointed by P&I to investigate the structural failure of Very Large Ore Carrier (VLOC) VALE BEIJING).

Appointed by P&I Insurers to investigate and give detailed expert evidence in USA re the ATHOS I pollution casualty. Provided detailed technical evidence to the US court proving the vessel and crew were not at fault.

Appointed by the British Government to chair the committee of experts to investigate the loss of factory fishing trawler GAUL and give expert evidence to the reopened Government Court of Inquiry. The expert evidence found, with a high degree of certainty, the reason for the casualty and loss of the vessel.

Appointed by Portuguese Government to analyse the design and structural construction of the aluminium catamaran passenger ferry PATRIA.

Appointed by the port of Rotterdam Court in Holland to provide expert advice to the judge which required expert evidence to be given to the court and interested parties in connection with the sinking of a car carrier BALTIC ACE in the North Sea.

Co author of one of the first computer container securing programs COMLASH approved by all major class societies.

Tony has advised many major ship owners and insurers on the safe carriage and securing of containers and carried out multiple investigations of container losses from large container ships.

Appointed salvage consultant and carried out many shipping casualty investigations, salvage and wreck removal of large vessels, yachts and new build disputes on behalf of marine insurers, salvage companies,

In 2016 Tony oversaw the sale of TMC to Bureau Veritas.

In 2018, following the sale of the company, Tony retired as CEO of TMC but continues his association with the company as a consultant naval architect.

Contact Details

+44 (0) 207 237 2617

+44 (0) 7850 195 206

[email protected]


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24hrs EMERGENCY RESPONSE: +44 (0)20 7237 2617 or +65 6224 1731 - SCR