Inspections & Audits

These services are utilised in Loss Prevention, Insurance claims and Pre-Entry risk analysis by P&I Clubs, Owners and Charterers. An independent overview of practices in place either onboard, in an office environment, or in a shipyard can be of great benefit to underwriters and owners.


Our consultants are frequently engaged in Audits of ships, systems and Owners/Operators Offices. TMC can provide an independent overview of how a particular ship or shipowner is performing set against a recognised standard. Our consultants are regularly involved with fleet-wide navigation audits on behalf of large container-ship, tanker, and bulk carrier Owners on a regular basis. TMC provides feed-back to both the Master and the Operators and the overwhelming feedback has been very positive:

  • Navigational Audits,
  • ISM Audits,
  • Human Element Audits and 3rd Party suitability audits
  • SIRE based 3rd party / independent vessel inspections
  • Pre SIRE inspections and best practice training
  • Tanker Management Self-Assessment (TMSA) auditing and system review
  • Navigation Risk Assessments for terminal and offshore construction projects
  • Marine terminal assessments
  • Shipyard Audits

Ship Management & Cost Control

TMC engineer consultants have extensive experience in technical ship management. Managing the managers is an increasing part of our workload. TMC engineering consultants have expertise in technical management, superintendency, budgeting, dry-docking, technical ISM/SMS requirements and commercial management.

For a Shipowner with expensive assets and high daily running costs, cost control, good management practices and budget transparency are important factors in today’s market. When instructed by an Owner, our job is to make sure that the Ship Manager is providing value-for-money and complying with his contract to manage the ship safely and efficiently in accordance with best management practices.

New-Build Supervision

TMC consultants have expertise in the oversight of new-build projects, in particular the following:

  • Extensive experience of Classification Society requirements, including personnel previously employed as ABS and Lloyds Register as managers and surveyors;
  • Extensive experience in the building of complex vessels in shipyards worldwide and ensuring compliance with Owners expectations with respect to quality and operability;
  • Marine Engineers with experience of the installation and commissioning of Diesel Electric Systems;
  • Negotiation of and management of Variations to Contract;
  • Schedule review and quantifying/identifying potential delays to Delivery;
  • Providing assistance to ensure contractual performance by the yard including re-negotiations and declarations of options where appropriate.

Passenger – Cruise Ships

The TMC team has many years of experience in senior positions in cruise shipping operations, particularly in the areas of safety, environment, security and new legislation. Fully supported by the technical team we have expertise in the following:

  • Safety practices and procedures review
  • Audits
  • Ship condition surveys
  • Safety Management System reviews and audits
  • Navigation reviews
  • Personal injury investigation – Passenger and Crew
  • Implementation of new legislation
  • Ship and shore emergency response procedures
  • Flag state inspections
  • Engineering
  • Weight loss /control at major refits

LNG Consultancy

TMC has particular expertise in LNG shipping and engineering operations, particularly in the areas of safety, environment, security and new developments. We have expertise in the following:

  • Safety practices and procedures review
  • Navigation Audits
  • Ship condition surveys
  • Safety Management System reviews and audits
  • Implementation of new legislation
  • Ship and shore emergency response procedures
  • Pre-Vetting Inspections
  • Development of Plans for Shipboard Operations
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Documentation
  • Mooring Analysis
  • Terminal lay-out advice

Fully supported by the technical team of engineers & master mariners, TMC works together with the well-respected commercial LNG consultant Kenneth Wilson & Associates. TMC’s technical & operational background together with KWA’s commercial background (in pricing, freight, procurement strategy and charter-party negotiation) makes for a powerful combination.

24hrs EMERGENCY RESPONSE: +44 (0)20 7237 2617 or +65 6224 1731 - SCR